Marketing is a numbers game, understanding all the nuances in marketing data points will help you work smarter not harder. Market leading brands know the sources of sales, traffic, engagement, and their biggest influencers. They know that with this information they will spend their budget more efficiently, they will target their customers more effectively, and ultimately discover new ways to drive demand and shatter their previous ROI ceiling. Our team is composed of "numbers people" - those same numbers are yours and our best friends. They help us get visibility into your business goals, while adding transparency to your successes and our campaigns. Let's get you started on understand the world of marketing analytics and set up your business to track all its data points.
Why is it important to have access to and understand your analytics?
When you need to decide if Meta or Google AdWords is more cost effective, without tracking return on investment, how would you make that decision? Does your e-mail marketing campaign bring more leads than hiring someone to do cold calling? Numbers and insights are the best friends of any business, they tell the story that sometimes you'd never expect. Marketing Analytics is a great way to better understand your business, gain access to new customers, and help ensure you retain current ones. Being able to track your marketing initiatives will help your business operate more intelligently, by helping you focus on what works vs. what does not.
Our team can get you educated on all the details of marketing analytics, setup and organize dashboards to avoid confusion, create reports to highlight all your key performance indicators, and ultimately save you time. Let's review what reporting options are best for your business and help you analyze the numbers that matter.
WHY Should we build out your analytics program?
We are a statistics-driven team; we never undervalue or overlook having the right metrics in the right format. We know that one important number is your time, we can help you save time by reducing the marketing analytics clutter and hone in on the right information for your business. After all, the numbers tell the truth - with us you'll own all the data, reports and dashboards. We can ramp up your marketing analytics program so you're tracking the right data and spending your time and money in the right places. We've helped businesses track sales from AdWords, Organic Search, E-mails, Postcards, Billboards, Brochures, Display Advertisements, Social Media Ads, and everything else in the digital landscape. Let's figure out what tool and platforms make the most sense for your business and review the options you have together.
Our Happy Customers
“These guys did almost everything for me - and the thing that stood out the most was their thorough explanations of the numbers and where my money was going each month. I usually got sent a report from previous marketing agencies, and that was it. They take the time to call you, go over reports, and even give an analysis. Gifted Design Lab really gives you that personal touch. Thank you!”